Applications for the class of 2029 is now closed

The application process includes the submission of recommendations, written work completed by the student, parent/guardian forms, and an interview at our building.

Evening Information Sessions for the class of 2029:

These information sessions are an opportunity for students and their families to learn about the IB Diploma Programme, hear from current students and parents who have had students in the program, and ask questions. These sessions will be open to everyone regardless of location or school enrollment.


Bookcliff Middle School Library, November 19th, from 6-7pm

Redlands Middle School Library, November 21st, from 6-7pm

R-5 Harry Butler Boardroom, December 9th, from 6-7pm

Orchard Mesa Middle School Cafeteria, December 13th, from 6-7pm

Day Information Sessions For the Class of 2029:

We will be traveling to each middle school to discuss the IB Program with the current 8th grade students and answer any questions you may have. Look below for your school’s day and time:

Fruita Middle School, November 12th @ 8:00am

Grand Mesa Middle School, November 15th @ 2:15pm

Mount Garfield Middle School, December 3rd @ 8:00am

West Middle School, December 10th @ 8:00am

Redlands Middle School, December 12th @ 8:00am

Bookcliff Middle School, December 13th @ 2:15pm

January 29th-February 7th

IB Diploma Programme application open for Sophomores (rising Juniors) currently enrolled at Palisade.